
root package


package root

  1. Public
  2. All

Value Members

  1. package pli


    An implementation of a small subset of Scala.

    An implementation of a small subset of Scala.

    The code in this package is part of the course material for the course “Implementation of Programming Languages” at Tübingen University, Germany.

    Main components:

    • Lexer ─ Turns a stream of characters into a stream of tokens
    • Parser ─ Turns a stream of tokens into an abstract syntax tree
    • Interpreter ─ Executes abstract syntax trees directly
    • CodeGenerator ─ Generates simple bytecode from abstract syntax trees
    • VM ─ Executes bytecode

    Helper components:

    • Pretty ─ Turns an abstract syntax tree back into a string

    Main data structures:

    • TokenType ─ Types of tokens in the token stream
    • ASTNode ─ Nodes of the abstract syntax tree
    • Table ─ Scoped associated array, used for environments and symbol tables
    • Bytecode ─ Builder for bytecode arrays, with support for backpatching
    • Opcode ─ Opcodes and documentation for bytecode instructions
